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How Big Is Your Ego?


Platinum Member
Elite Member


Your Ego is Medium


You have what psychologists would call a healthy ego.
You have high self esteem, but you don't think too highly of yourself.

You believe in yourself, but you are also able to believe in others.
You know how to put your ego in check and let someone else take the reins.
Your Ego is Extra Large


Your ego is out of control. You have an extremely high opinion of yourself.
You're quite vain and narcissistic. You believe that you're the most important person in the world.

You don't even try to put your ego in check. Why would you?
You are uniquely perfect, and it's time that everyone else admits it.

How Big Is Your Ego?
Extra large, huh? Does it come with a free portion of fries? :p
Your Ego is Very Small


You don't have a high opinion of yourself. You're happy with who you are, but you don't feel special.

You believe you're just like everyone else. You aren't more unique or more deserving.

While it's good to be humble, make sure you don't sell yourself short.

You may not have a superiority complex, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself.

How Big Is Your Ego?
I could not answer about half the questions.

For instance.....
1. You would rather be:
The center of attention
Like everyone else

3. You like people to:
Worship you
Admire you

7. You would rather:
Give orders
Work with a team

I would rather sit in the corner and be myself.

I like people to leave me alone.

I'd rather work by myself or, at most, one other person who knows what they are doing.
Your Ego is Very Small


You don't have a high opinion of yourself. You're happy with who you are, but you don't feel special.
You believe you're just like everyone else. You aren't more unique or more deserving.

While it's good to be humble, make sure you don't sell yourself short.
You may not have a superiority complex, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself.

How Big Is Your Ego?

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Your Ego is Very Small


You don't have a high opinion of yourself. You're happy with who you are, but you don't feel special.
You believe you're just like everyone else. You aren't more unique or more deserving.

While it's good to be humble, make sure you don't sell yourself short.
You may not have a superiority complex, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself.

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