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Off Topix is a well established general discussion forum that originally opened to the public way back in 2009! We provide a laid back atmosphere and our members are down to earth. We have a ton of content and fresh stuff is constantly being added. We cover all sorts of topics, so there's bound to be something inside to pique your interest. We welcome anyone and everyone to register & become a member of our awesome community.

What Keyboard Key Are You?


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What Keyboard Key Are You?


You Are "delete"


Some people might try to say you're standoffish and aloof.

You prefer to think of yourself as a person of few words.

You like to live simply, speak simply, and act simply. It's all about editing.

No wonder you're the first person your friends call when they need a mess cleaned up!

Excellent. I can now go around saying...


... without anyone staring at me. :p
You Are "tab"

Some people might try to say that you're always spaced out.
You do tend to be a dreamer, but you're also a great multitasker.

You work quickly and efficiently. So it's no problem if you goof off a little while you're working.
And if people want to think you're flakey, that's fine. You're getting more done than they are.

You Are "enter"


Some people might try to say you're impulsive and rash.

You like to consider yourself decisive and committed instead.

You don't have a lot of trouble making very final decisions.

You trust your instincts, and you don't waver. You just go for it!

What Keyboard Key Are You?
You Are "tab"


Some people might try to say that you're always spaced out.
You do tend to be a dreamer, but you're also a great multitasker.

You work quickly and efficiently. So it's no problem if you goof off a little while you're working.
And if people want to think you're flakey, that's fine. You're getting more done than they are.

What Keyboard Key Are You?

You Are "alt"
--Some people might find you to be strange, mysterious, and even a bit off putting.
You tend to be drawn to and influenced by alternative lifestyles. You're definitely not normal.

Once people get to know you, they realize you're interesting, intriguing, and very intelligent.
You have a lot of knowledge stored in that big brain of yours. Most of it is useless knowledge, but some of it is very useful.

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