Did you know that people used to be really weird about what kind of pet each sex should have? It was thought that cats were for females, and dogs were for males, and that a woman who preferred dogs, or a man with cats had some major gender issues, and that you should avoid them like a fish restaurant on a Sunday.
It was believed that you should always choose a dog dude over a cat dude for dating, because clearly the cat dude was someone who straddled the border between crazy and asexual.
This theory that women needed to stay the hell away from men who owned cats was just stupid, and offensive to cat men, and to the people who loved these Ailurophiles (technical name for cat lovers.) Should we reject tattooed men, or surfers because people used to think that men who were inked were criminals, and that surfers were always wasted? Shouldn’t the ability to love, and be interested in things, no matter what, be encouraged not ridiculed? Not dating a certain kind of men is just falling victim to these preconceived judgments,and if you follow them, you’ll be missing out on some really spectacular dateable men.
Date a cat man and you won’t be sorry. Cat owners, like their cats are never boring, and are an excellent addition to your life.
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