Seeing Common sense among our judges is refreshing.
In this day and age of "up being down, down being up" and "evil being good, good being evil," there are times when common sense and the law prevails despite Obama and his ilk working to subvert all principles upon which this country was founded. According to The Daily Caller, "a federal district judge in Pennsylvania dismissed a lawsuit by a transgender student who wanted to use the men's bathrooms and restrooms on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh in Johnstown." The student who filed the lawsuit is Seamus Johnston.
Johnston was born female, but has identified herself as male. She changed her birth name in order to identify herself as male, which she presented to the University. The university accepted Johnston as male in all aspects except the ability to use the male facilities. There was no documentation to indicate Johnston had legally "changed" gender from female to male, such as a birth certificate, which the university requires. While a student, Johnston participated in gender identity therapy programs and took hormones to make her body appear more male. Johnston had at first used the male facilities without incident.
However, after enrolling in the men's weight training course, officials at the campus ordered Johnston not to use the male facilities. Johnston did not comply. At a school disciplinary hearing, she was found guilty of "exhibiting disorderly, lewd, or indecent behavior" and for disregarding university directives. She was ultimately expelled for repeatedly violating the school's order. Johnston filed suit against the school alleging a violation of civil rights from preventing her use of male restrooms and locker rooms.