A leather-clad grandmother pouts and clutches a pair of handcuffs, while a sword-wielding plus-sized princess flashes a full foot of cleavage.
Elsewhere a shirtless father clutches a rifle in one hand and his toddler son in the other.
These are just a few of the funny, bizarre and truly terrifying bad glamour shots going viral online.
A common theme in these ridiculous snaps is a love of all things leather - particularly if it's pressed against naked, and aging, flesh.
Accessories are also a bonus, especially if they're potentially deadly.
Guns and swords are a popular prop for bad glamour photographers.
One model even posed with a giant crossbow in one hand and his semi-naked partner in the other.
And when it comes to hair, bigger is definitely better.
Blow-drying is a must and there are bonus points for backcombing.
Wigs are only acceptable if they enhance they are cheap, ill-fitting and obvious.
See pictures: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...mour-modelling-goes-wrong-.html#ixzz1tuCbileN
Must say some of these pictures really made me crack up!
Elsewhere a shirtless father clutches a rifle in one hand and his toddler son in the other.
These are just a few of the funny, bizarre and truly terrifying bad glamour shots going viral online.
A common theme in these ridiculous snaps is a love of all things leather - particularly if it's pressed against naked, and aging, flesh.
Accessories are also a bonus, especially if they're potentially deadly.
Guns and swords are a popular prop for bad glamour photographers.
One model even posed with a giant crossbow in one hand and his semi-naked partner in the other.
And when it comes to hair, bigger is definitely better.
Blow-drying is a must and there are bonus points for backcombing.
Wigs are only acceptable if they enhance they are cheap, ill-fitting and obvious.
See pictures: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...mour-modelling-goes-wrong-.html#ixzz1tuCbileN
Must say some of these pictures really made me crack up!