Neb was mentioned as a hypothetical example.
And to return after you have been banned regardless of that person's personal reason for doing so is continued abuse in and of itself. By doing so, they are putting what they want, ahead of what was the right thing to do.. which is to stay away.
In this context, I look at owning a forum as being akin to owning a house or an apartment. This person came over and disrespected you and the people you were hosting at your place, after repeated warnings, you have shown them the door and asked them to leave and not to return.
They do so.
And now, they are still on your doorstep ringing the bell trying to get back in after being escorted out.
They have returned with a mustache, blonde wig, red wig, and even tried to fake their appearance to get back in, each time claiming to have matured. And you have recognized them every time they came back.
Is that person being respectful of your wishes? Are they showing you any evidence of maturity when they do this?
The only condition a banned member should/could return is by being invited back by the owner of the site themselves.
Do I have a ban appeal process? No.
I always have a good reason for penalizing those who deserve it. The only reason I have ever unbanned or reinvited someone back to the forum is regarding COPPA.
Granted, this was mostly on my brother's old forum that I ran while he focused on his series and well, growing up, since he was still a teen himself. I have literally had to take over whenever he was grounded lol, but while we always used the term "technical difficulties" as a running joke, everyone knew that it meant he was grounded.. lol
Anyway, my forum has been 16+ on free hosting since I opened 19 years ago, but only since 2014 did it become 18+ only because I was on paid hosting, or about to be, and I had a lot of leeway with the owner of JFB. I was always honest and invited him to look over the content in question, so that he could determine what was ok and I left a quote of his response in a post with other service admins I did the same with, even if i wasnt hosted with them. This was so I'd be in the clear regarding post exchanges with forums on these hosts. It is still on my forum to this day even though I don't really advertise anymore.
And now my forum is 21+ because I have added discussions about weed and stuff.. so, I have never really had an issue with COPPA at my place as often as I did with my brother's forum. But as it were, the members understood that they needed to be 16+ on my forum and they respected that because they knew me and trusted me.
That said, most of those bans I really felt bad about because in literally 99% of those cases (not being hyperbolic in the least here, these were all COPPA bans that didn't include the "5-Account-Wonder-Who-Really-Had-12-Accounts-Including-His-"Family")
I honestly felt bad about banning them because they were legitimately good members who not only contributed, but also helped other members too and were in most cases, more mature than many of the older members there, including some staff. I felt bad becauae aside from being underaged, they didnt do anything bad. But the law is the law and so my hand was forced on the matter upon discovery. I mean we had our suspicions but we couldn't really do anything unless they had proof. Otherwise, if we didn't know, then we didn't know.
When I did have to ban someone, I approached them honestly about the situation and I explained that I had no choice on the matter as it was the law, and after I banned them, I kept in contact with them on messenger (usually MSN) so that they could let me know when they were of age and I would send out an email to those in the group who had previously been banned, informing them that they had been unbanned and reinstated to their original groups. I did this for the younger members that were still banned by adding a footnote reminder of the next members who would soon be 13 and when they could return. And they would return, apologize for lying about their age and they went on to posting as if nothing had happened.
But that was on my brother's forum where most of his demographic was 13-21. When his older members felt like they were outgrowing his forum, they joined mine because they genuinely liked me as an admin.. even if they had been banned by me before..
That said though, the reason I dont have s ban appeal process, is because I am clear and concise regarding my expectations of the members. They know from the get-go what will and wont be tolerated. The veterans of both sites know this because they know me from both places and how I do things.
So for that reason, it is why I expect more of them. I have dealt with people who were genuine assholes and abusers on my forum and even sexual harrassment which is why I had a tendency to hide my gender back then. I had one dude send me a dick pic shortly after finding out that I was female and I had previously helped him with his pc issues. It hit me out of the blue, and otherwise he was a good member, but he crossed the line and was instantly banned, and is still banned to this day from every forum I had since then. So in that case I did keep him banned across sites.
Now I have also dealt with those who got in trouble repeatedly, and when called out, they claimed that it was because they had mental health issues, learning disability, different race.. (one actually tried to play the race card, now knowing that my brother and I were Black, yeah, that was a fun day.. lol) and I also have dealt with people who tried to justify their assholery by claiming it was because they were Christian and that they were evangelical.
That was a fun day too, and when we called them out on their bullshit, whether it was because they played the race or faith card as a reason for their behavior, their response was "why didn't you tell me that you were Black or were Christian" and our response was the same, what we are or what our religion is is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is that, there are many people here who have mental and learning disabilities, staff included, and we have people here of various races, classes and religions, but they didn't act like you did, and this is why you are being penalized. Once they realized that their excuses didn't fly and they had no justification for their actions, they accepted their punishment.
If the member was respectful of that and didn't try to return and was genuinely remorseful, then sometimes their suspension ended early, but that was always left up to my discretion and it was never known outside of staff.
And yes, we did have a member who was banned for evasion, among other things, but saw me on another forum (I think it was FP or IFSZ) because they recognized me and reached out privately and apologized, but there had been years that had passed and so, they were allowed to return. They were an adult at that point.