But it is just a few radicals they keep telling us. But of course we see over and over again this is one big fat lie.
This seems like a solid enough news hook to revisit a theme I addressed shortly after the Paris attacks, when the Obama administration’s ‘radical-Islamist-violence-has-nothing-to-do-with-Islam’ rhetoric was in full throat. Via The Telegraph:
One in four British Muslims sympathise with terrorists behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks, a new poll shows. A poll reveals how a significant minority of Muslims endorse terrorist atrocities against those who mock the Prophet Mohammed. Some 27 per cent of British Muslims said they have “some sympathy for the motives behind the attacks” on the Paris magazine, according to polling by ComRes for the BBC. A further 32 per cent said they were not surprised by the attacks. Some 11 per cent said that magazines which publish images of the Prophet Mohammed “deserve to be attacked.” And only 68 per cent of British Muslims said that attacks on the publishers of images of the Prophet are “never” justified, while 24 disagreed.
The BBC poll also found that 95 percent of Muslims polled expressed loyalty to Britain, with 93 percent agreeing that British laws must be obeyed. I’m…not quite sure how to square those numbers with other survey findings — like the one-in-five British Muslims who believe Islam is incompatible with Western society, the worrisome degree of sympathy for the Charlie Hebdo terrorists, and the 11 percent faction that proactively supports attacks on “those who slander the prophet of Islam” (the ultimate discussion-enders). It would appear as though a sizable chunk of British Muslims can reconcile applauding, or at least relating to, stone-cold Islamist killers with being perfectly loyal Britons. Hmm. According to census data, roughly 2.8 million Muslims live in the UK, so if you extrapolate the numbers, approximately 750,000 British Muslims fall into the “sympathetic” category. More than 300,000 are in the ghoulish “attaboy” camp, equivalent to the entire population of Pittsburgh. Remember, these are Western Muslims. By the way, the BBC’s headline on its own poll highlights the fact that most respondents “oppose Mohammad cartoon reprisals.” That’s certainly welcome news, but I’m afraid it buries the lead. Relatedly, when hundreds of mourners turned out to pay respects to the dead jihadi who shot up a free speech event in Copenhagen last week, Allahpundit made an incisive point about often-ignored, uncomfortable gray areas within our lexical tug-of-war over Islam and extremism:
To say that most Muslims are peaceful is true but also simplistic. There’s el-Hussein, the killer; there’s the people who stayed away from his funeral today in contempt (the Danish Islamic Burial Fund objected to el-Hussein’s burial in their cemetery); and then there’s that “circle of acquaintances,” numbering well into the hundreds, who haven’t picked up a gun themselves but for whatever reason feel sufficiently comfortable with what this degenerate did that they’ll show up in full view of news cameras to pay their respects. Obama has no problem denouncing the first group — every population has its nuts and fanatics — and no problem praising the second, but you rarely hear him talk at length about the third.
What are we to make of this third group? Do they count as peaceable? Radical? One thing’s for sure: They’d absolutely reject the fashionable, blithe pronouncements that they don’t count as true Muslims — as would the ISIS savages, for that matter.