Hey guys,
I trade in binary market and have a group we're I do every week challenges and build up balance & make profits. What is binary trading? A binary option trading is a financial instrument that turns every trade into a simple yes or no question, you decide whether a market is likely to be above a certain price, at a certain time. If you think it will be, you buy. If you think it won’t be, you sell. So let's just say it's like forex trading but not quite, because with forex you have to keep your trade running, it could for hours or days just to make and gain profit. But with binary option trading you get paid out instant which ever currency you trade, it could EURUSD or GBPUSD etc. Now there's a twist with binary trading, each currency has a payout percentage like 80%, 90%, 92% the higher the payouts the more profits you make basically.
If you guys want to make side income every week, feel free to join me and have a go look at my work in my telegram channel https://t.me/royaltraderyt
Send me a message on telegram https://t.me/r0yaltrader to find out more and how to join the challenge! Also if you do want to join and start minimum required to start $50.00 the weekly challenges. You don't need any experience I will guide you through everything.
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I trade in binary market and have a group we're I do every week challenges and build up balance & make profits. What is binary trading? A binary option trading is a financial instrument that turns every trade into a simple yes or no question, you decide whether a market is likely to be above a certain price, at a certain time. If you think it will be, you buy. If you think it won’t be, you sell. So let's just say it's like forex trading but not quite, because with forex you have to keep your trade running, it could for hours or days just to make and gain profit. But with binary option trading you get paid out instant which ever currency you trade, it could EURUSD or GBPUSD etc. Now there's a twist with binary trading, each currency has a payout percentage like 80%, 90%, 92% the higher the payouts the more profits you make basically.
If you guys want to make side income every week, feel free to join me and have a go look at my work in my telegram channel https://t.me/royaltraderyt
Send me a message on telegram https://t.me/r0yaltrader to find out more and how to join the challenge! Also if you do want to join and start minimum required to start $50.00 the weekly challenges. You don't need any experience I will guide you through everything.
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