The new manager at the state technical 'help desk' was a mess. She was hopelessly unqualified to be a supervisor in that environment, she had no grasp of the basics of information management or data networks, and had proven herself totally inept at triaging calls. And, If she made it to work On Time twice in one week, it was worthy of applause.
HOWEVER, she was reasonably good looking (which probably got her the job as the department manager was an idiot political appointee) and, to her credit, she was very good at "talking to clients who just wanted attention".
Here's the story of her exiting the building:
She was given "Employee of the Quarter" in the spring by the Cabinet Secretary head boss of the place
Later that summer, not a hot three months later, she was fired and security walked her out.
For the next five or six years, whenever anybody I knew was given an "Employee of the..... " award, about a week later I went to the storeroom and got an empty box and, as I went in at 0600 before anybody else came in, I'd leave it on their chair.