To strengthen and to loose weight of the body, there are new techniques are invented. Ladies are first to follow these exercises to appear slim and beauty with rules and regulations for fitness, just like jumba, salsa now Bokwa fitness is new technique which attracts girls very much. This Bokwa fitness performed by group of people with uniform exercise and it will reduce the weight speedly. So more people are showing interest for Bokwa fitness, boxing and south African dance type kwaito are mixed and formed new name as Bokwa.
The Bokwa fitness was started in South Africa first now it spreads all over the world and gained popularity. This bokwa fitness according to alphabets, numbers and signs foot movement is there . Musical exercises also there to give more strength to the heart, with letters and numbers any body can do this exercise, it is more pleasure to do the exercise not less than 15 people. Bokwa fitness reduce 600 to 1200 calories with one hour exercise.
The Bokwa fitness was started in South Africa first now it spreads all over the world and gained popularity. This bokwa fitness according to alphabets, numbers and signs foot movement is there . Musical exercises also there to give more strength to the heart, with letters and numbers any body can do this exercise, it is more pleasure to do the exercise not less than 15 people. Bokwa fitness reduce 600 to 1200 calories with one hour exercise.