Welcome to one of Camelot's many update announcements. For those of you who still check in or have decided to stick with us, we thank you for your dedication. As Staff, we promise to keep updates coming so long as we can see some more activity.
We are currently in the process of yet another theme! Although it was planned for a Valentine's Day release, it was decided it wouldn't really matter much. The main reason was because of the color scheme of the theme. At any rate, we would like to present to you a preview of the new theme:
Sorry for cutting the rest off, but you'll just have to wait and see the rest of it soon.
Next, I would like to announce a couple more updates. One thing is, we decided to implement an Awards System (from Nebulous of Outline) to Camelot! We hope to have some use to it eventually. Hopefully, if you keep doing your tasks, you might one day find an Award in your mini-profile. Basically, if you make a promise to be active, it's almost promised you'll receive an award in return. Some awards may even be given to certain positions such as our Envoys who advertise and post as frequently as possible. For more information on our Envoys, please see
this topic.
Last, but certainly not least, we would like to let you know that there has been some minor changes to the layout. Our Debates forum has been moved to the Camelot Community section of the board. Not such a big deal, but it could always be nice or fun to have a little deeper discussion. Just make sure not to begin flaming anyone!
Remember that we can improve so many more things, just post in
this topic. All ideas that are suggested or liked by more than a couple people will most likely be implemented. Once again, we thank you for being patient and sticking with us, Camelot!