Our old school nurse died of cancer. She was amazing...everyone loved her. <3
In the middle of my Sophomore year, my Geometry teacher/the boy's basketball coach was diagnosed with cancer...bone cancer, I think...I remember at the time, everyone was obsessed with reading the Twilight books, so every time we emailed him (which was like...every day), we mentioned the books because he always had to tell us to put them up. One time, the tech class made a video for him from the whole school saying how much we loved him...was like, 30 minutes long...when they video taped our class, we put this whole thing together where we were reading the books and we named the sides of our triangle by characters in the book...was fun. His daughter, Callie, was in that class...after he had to leave the class, she never went to it because she couldn't go without crying...she just stayed in the library and we brought her notes and her work. That was 2 years ago and now he's the middle school principal and teaches math there.
An even bigger story that I love...my best friend has a little cousin named Dusti...she's the exact same age as my cousin - born on the same day of the same month in the same year. A few years ago...2007, I think...that September on a Friday night, I was at a football game and I got a phone call from my best friend saying that Dusti was diagnosed with Leukemia and they were flying her down to Dallas Children's Medical Center. I remember that night - I was watching a football game and I heard that on the phone and I just started crying because Dusti was like a sister to me - I was really close to my best friend's family...they considered me family. Their whole family drove down to Dallas (an hour and a half away from where I live) and stayed the night there...was 22 people, if I remember correctly. She went through chemo...lost all her blonde hair...but she never, ever stopped smiling and laughing. In January of this year, she stopped chemo - they even had a party at the hospital with her doctors that had a cake saying No More Chemo! and in mid-February, she got her medi port out. She's got all her hair back, but not blonde like it was - now it's curly and brown, but she's adorable. She was 4 when she was diagnosed with Leukemia...now she's almost 8 and is cancer free.
This is me & Dusti in September of last year!!