Point conceded. At one time, All Hallows Eve (Halloween) was a valid Holy Day (holiday).
It no longer is. Just as the modern Western holiday of Christmas has almost nothing to do with the Birth of Christ, and is on the wrong day. (that is a separate discussion)
And it is no longer one day.
The fact that Off Topix has a ghost logo up over three weeks from the day proves that point.
While the basic idea of "it is fun to be scared and to scare others" is harmless, the near obsession with death (ghosts, skulls, graves, and the violence that created them) even if in a 'cartoonish' way is not. For this I will cite howevermany reports of the effect of "violent programs and video games" on children, and a reference in the "trick or treating" thread to just going out 'tricking' people, which always has potential to go from fun to vandalism in short order, such as "Devil's Night" in Detroit.
While the basic idea of "it is fun to play with magic" is fun, to take it to the next step and dabble with something you do not understand (for instance, using an Ouija board) CAN open a portal through which something you cannot control can come into your life.
Yes, to many of the various Pagan traditions, it is a Holiday during which they have ceremonies, which is fine by me, and I even attended a "drawing down the moon" circle one time, which was interesting to say the least. What percentage of those 'celebrating' can say the same?
I will answer any and all serious questions and cite whatever references are needed at the time.