Over-aggressive agenda may have doomed two recalled Colorado Democrats
Democrats recently overhauled Colorado's election law to allow same-day voter registration, a move that voters statewide overwhelmingly rejected by ballot measure several years ago.
Likewise, the state's same-sex civil unions bill was signed into law with bipartisan support this year, but Democrats refused to allow any religious exemptions for adoptions by gay or lesbian couples, or any other compromises to the legislation.
Governor John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, also rankled death-penalty supporters when he issued a temporary reprieve to the state's longest-serving death row inmate, who was scheduled to be executed in August.
"Overall, it was a sense of arrogance," Atkinson said.
Denver independent pollster Floyd Ciruli agreed.
"There was a sense that people were not being listened to and felt shut out from the aggressive agenda put forward by Democrats in the legislature," he said, noting that an 8-to-1 spending advantage by recall opponents failed to stave off defeat.