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coming soon to your hometown: this is what martial law looks like

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August 18th, 2014
Allen L Roland Ph.D


The police before a rally Wednesday in Ferguson, Mo., where an unarmed
teenager, Michael Brown, was shot by an officer last week.
Spurred on by 9/11 and the War on Terror, America has become a feared military force of terror but the prime target has always been the American public which is becoming increasingly aware of their Government sponsored militarized police who see and relate to them as Middle East terrorists until proven innocent such as in Ferguson, Missouri. The military-style occupation of Ferguson, Missouri has ripped aside the thin veneer of democracy to expose a budding police state. This is what martial law looks like: Allen L Roland, Ph.D

As I watch, with alarm, the rapidly growing American militarized Police State as well as George W Bush and Dick Cheney’s recent book tours ~ where they rationalize their illegal wars and economic rape of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as justify torture as a means to this criminal end ~ I am immediately reminded of Milton Mayer’s classic THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE (The Germans 1933 – 1945).

Mayer’s book describes the slow but sure seduction of the German people as their civil liberties, freedoms and moral values were gradually stripped away by Hitler’s fascist government while waving the flag of national security and patriotism.


But Then It Was Too Late ~ "What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it … this separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.”

Apathy increases with each measured step, as it most certainly has in America, and Mayer knowingly describes the consequences for Germany in the early 1930’s~


“In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D ~ and one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying 'Jewish swine,' collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in ~ your nation, your people ~ is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way… You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things that your father, even in Germany, could not have imagined … Suddenly it all comes down, all at once. You see what you are, what you have done, or, more accurately, what you haven't done (for that was all that was required of most of us: that we do nothing).” Read article ~ http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/New_World_Order/TheyThoughtTheyWereFree.html

And that is Mayer’s main point ~ it is the spirit that dramatically changes when we accept if not condone the disintegration of our national moral values and civil liberties through illegal wars and occupations as well as our crimes against humanity such as torture, secret renditions as well as intrusive full body scans and pat downs, which will continue to be extended under the pretext of national security and the War on Terror ~ and especially when it extends to our own country, America.

Paul Craig Roberts correctly writes that the War on Terror is a Hoax; “In the past decade, Washington has killed, maimed, dislocated, and made widows and orphans millions of Muslims in six countries, all in the name of the “war on terror.” Washington’s attacks on the countries constitute naked aggression and impact primarily civilian populations and infrastructure and, thereby, constitutes war crimes under law. Nazis were executed precisely for what Washington is doing today.” See article ~ http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29273.htm

Then what was is the Obama/Biden administration so afraid of?

They are obviously afraid of the Truth and, in particular, an informed public in possession of the truth. And the truth is that we are owned, lock, stock, and barrel by Wall Street, the Corpocracy and Washington as well as a Congress that is in bed with them. And that the War on Terror is being increasingly being seen, by the world, as a War of Terror on anyone who does not fall in step with a heavily armed Imperialistic fascist state and it's surrogate states ~ such as Israel.

It is interesting to note that the one country on this planet that is seen as the greatest threat to World Peace is the United States. (2014 WIN/Gallup International Poll)

Which brings me to Ferguson, Missouri ~ as an obvious example of where we are heading by treating American citizens like terrorists or insurgents in an occupied country. An analysis done earlier this summer by the New York Times found that since 2006, police departments across America have received 435 armored vehicles, 533 planes, 93,763 machine guns, and last, but not least, 432 mine-resistant armored trucks, because you never know when you're going to run into terrorist laid mines on Main Street USA.

FERGUSON, Mo. ~ In the five days since an unarmed young black man, Michael Brown, was fatally shot by a police officer here, the selective release of information about the shooting, and especially the anonymity granted to the officer, has stoked frustrations in this largely African-American community north of St. Louis, where residents describe increasingly tense relations with a militarized police. This is once again what Martial law looks like.

The Ferguson Police Department riot squad moving towards a protester.
As reported by Julie Bowman and Erick Hekholm, NY Times ~ "On Wednesday night, scores of police officers in riot gear and armored trucks showed up to disperse protesters who had gathered on the streets near the scene of the shooting. Some officers perched atop the vehicles with their guns trained on the crowds while protesters chanted, “Hands up, don’t shoot.” A police spokesman said that some demonstrators had thrown Molotov cocktails at officers and that some had tried to set fires. The police used tear gas on demonstrators, and some protesters said rubber bullets had been fired at them. Police said one officer appeared to have suffered a broken ankle after being hit by a brick…Two reporters covering the protests also said they had been arrested inside a McDonald’s for trespassing and later released without charges or an explanation. The reporters, Wesley Lowery of The Washington Post and Ryan J. Reilly of The Huffington Post, both said they had been handled roughly by the police." See report and video : http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/in-ferguson-washington-post-reporter-wesley-lowery-gives-account-of-his-arrest/2014/08/13/0fe25c0e-2359-11e4-86ca-6f03cbd15c1a_story.html?utm_source=digg&utm_medium=email

As Carl Gibson correctly writes in Reader Supported News ~ "The FAA has just declared city of Ferguson a no-fly zone, prohibiting news choppers from documenting protests and police abuses. And in their first official statement since the shooting of Michael Brown, Ferguson police said citizens should only protest during daylight hours . This implies that citizens demonstrating after sunset are fair game for repression. The framers of the Constitution never wanted there to be a sunset clause on the First Amendment…. What’s happening in Ferguson, a suburb of Saint Louis, Missouri, is just like what’s happened in Anaheim, California, after the killing of Manuel Diaz by local police. It’s the same thing that happened in Brooklyn’s Flatbush neighbourhood after the NYPD killed 16-year-old Kimani Gray it’s the same police response that was seen in Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon, and many other cities around the country during the heavily-militarized crackdown on the Occupy Wall Street movement." See article ~ http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/in-ferguson-washington-post-reporter-wesley-lowery-gives-account-of-his-arrest/2014/08/13/0fe25c0e-2359-11e4-86ca-6f03cbd15c1a_story.html?utm_source=digg&utm_medium=email

Combat in large cities is central to the military doctrine of Martial Law that is being developed by the US armed forces. This is spelled out in a document entitled “Megacities and the United States Army: Preparing for a complex and uncertain future,” which was released in June by the Army’s Strategic Studies Group and endorsed by its chief of staff, Gen. Raymond Odierno.

Describing the conditions that it anticipates will require US military intervention, the report warns, “As inequality between rich and poor increases … Stagnation will coexist with unprecedented development, as slums and shanty towns rapidly expand alongside modern high-rises. This is the urban future. ”Radical income disparity,” is further described as the foremost “driver of instability” in these far-flung urban areas.

"In other words, the Pentagon brass is seeking to prepare the US military for directly counterrevolutionary interventions aimed at quelling popular revolts that it sees as the inevitable consequence of the unprecedented social inequality created by world capitalism in crisis." See WSWS article on same subject ~ http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/08/14/pers-a14.html

As Carl Gibson correctly points out ~ "The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 made it clear that military forces are not allowed to be deployed in civilian neighborhoods for law enforcement purposes. While the law originally was meant for branches of the U.S. armed forces, it should also apply to police departments using equipment meant only for U.S. armed forces in war zones. Because of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, the so-called “War on Terror” included all of the United States as part of the “battlefield,” making it fair game for Posse Comitatus to be eliminated. It also allows for the indefinite detention in a military facility for anyone deemed to be a potential terrorist under loosely-defined parameters. This sets a dangerous precedent for the future of a democratic society."

We are now seeing direct evidence of Mayer's vision of civil liberties, freedoms and moral values being gradually stripped away by our neo- fascist government while waving the flag of national security and patriotism ~ and Ferguson may soon be joined by many more communities unless we make the Demilitarizing of police forces an election-year issue in all municipalities for candidates who are running for mayor, city council, alderman, or selectman.

Police officers shouldn't be breaking down any citizen's door at 3 a.m. armed with AR-15s and flash bang grenades in search of a small amount of drugs, while an MRAP idles in the driveway. The anti-militarists, however, are in the minority right now. And until that changes, violent paramilitary police raids will continue to break down the doors of nearly 1,000 American households a week: Matthew Harwood / Senior writer/editor at the American Civil Liberties Union


Photo Credit second photo: Whitney Curtis for The New York Times

In a time of universal deceit ~ telling the truth is a revolutionary act: George Orwell.


Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and heart centered spiritual counselor Allen L Roland is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private Skype consultations at [email protected] Allen L Roland is also a lecturer and shares a weekly political and social commentary on his web log and website allenroland.com He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on www.conscioustalk.net Weblog: http://allenlrolandsweblog.blogspot.com Website: www.allenroland.com
i'm not going to argue that circumstances following the brown shooting didn't justify an extreme response, but i will argue that the first and fourth amendment rights of completely innocent civilians and journalists who are engaged in legal non-violent demonstrations have flown out the window with it.

i'm also going to argue that anybody who calls themselves a conservative patriot is a hypocrite for supporting the extrajudicial execution of property crime suspects that leads to the violent rioting. whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty and receiving a punishment that fits the crime that is are cornerstones of american jurisprudence and our criminal justice system?



I can see why martial law is being applied here. People are damaging private property, stealing, and setting things on fire. YES, something terrible happened in the town of Ferguson, MO. But THIS is not the answer to the horrid mistake officer Darren Wilson quite obviously made with his shoot-to-kill-ask-question-later training. Responding with violence is most definitely not the answer, but neither is shooting someone six times. I think the majority of people out there, including the cops, are both in the wrong about their approach, but what else are the police supposed to do? Are they supposed to let people set things on fire, break windows and come into a business to steal stuff? Is that warranted in the wake of what happened? No.
of course it's not, but by the same token, looters on one street is not an excuse to violently disperse a non-violent demonstration on another. that just leads to more looting.

like i said elsewhere, though we're not a police and military family per se, many family members and close friends have taken careers in the police and military. the RoE has changed drastically since i was a kid.

cops weren't even supposed to draw their guns until they were sure they were going to need to fire it and spare no effort to find a non-violent solution to the problem , attempting to use non-lethal means to restrain suspects before firing on them. they also tended to aim low to cripple, rather than to kill, in the old days.

this has all changed in recent years and apparently one of the reasons is that our municipal police have been receiving anti-terrorism and crowd control training from the israelis, one of the most brutal police and military systems in the world. another reason is that many combat veterans are going into community policing and their mindset is just not appropriate to the job.
DrLeftover said:
I still don't see how, even given that the cop may well be guilty of murder, that burning down the town makes any sort of valid statement.

It doesn't. It makes the opposite statement than some people cannot act civilly when it comes to expressing their anger about something horrible that happened. Many of these people just saw the chance in the chaos to do something they think they can get away with, and I'm sure a lot of them will considering how crazy it is right now. But there are people out there who are being legitimate in their attempts to make a difference, to bring to light the fact that an injustice has taken place, and that police officers--not just in Ferguson, but everywhere else as this is not a localized issue--need to be retrained on several different levels.

Breaking into a store and burning down buildings does not make the statement that things need to change. That is pure and utter violent, criminal acts and destruction of property, and it's taking away from the real issue.
Martin Luther King must be crying in his grave seeing these thugs and losers doing what they are doing. And he must be even more sad seeing the ones who are not acting violent not speaking out against the violence in the thousands with peaceful protests.

Anyways there is a reason why our federal government is buying billion and billions of rounds of bullets not for the military but for the government agencies right here in America.
Martin Luther King must be crying in his grave seeing these thugs and losers doing what they are doing. And he must be even more sad seeing the ones who are not acting violent not speaking out against the violence in the thousands with peaceful protests.

Anyways there is a reason why our federal government is buying billion and billions of rounds of bullets not for the military but for the government agencies right here in America.

you must be watching faux news and cnn if you think there aren't a whole lot of legitimate, non-violent demonstrations going on there that are getting shot up with rubber bullets and tear gassed that you're not being shown on the MSM.

you don't honestly think jesse jackson and al sharpton are out there with their entourages encouraging people to make mayhem, do you?
TommyTooter said:
Martin Luther King must be crying in his grave seeing these thugs and losers doing what they are doing. And he must be even more sad seeing the ones who are not acting violent not speaking out against the violence in the thousands with peaceful protests.

Anyways there is a reason why our federal government is buying billion and billions of rounds of bullets not for the military but for the government agencies right here in America.

you must be watching faux news and cnn if you think there aren't a whole lot of legitimate, non-violent demonstrations going on there that are getting shot up with rubber bullets and tear gassed that you're not being shown on the MSM.

you don't honestly think jesse jackson and al sharpton are out there with their entourages encouraging people to make mayhem, do you?

Fox I watch. CNN never. But have not seen anything you have just wrote. During the day please show me strictly non violent protests not mixed in with violent looters where the police have attacked them. The looters and rioters are purposely mixing in with the peaceful ones. And what is sad is the peaceful protesters are allowing it and not speaking out. And at night well it craziness every night over there.

Thats exactly what the scum bags jesse jackson and all sharpton are doing. More mayhem the better for those two and there bank accounts. They are just as bad as the kkk on the other side.
TommyTooter said:
Martin Luther King must be crying in his grave seeing these thugs and losers doing what they are doing. And he must be even more sad seeing the ones who are not acting violent not speaking out against the violence in the thousands with peaceful protests.

Anyways there is a reason why our federal government is buying billion and billions of rounds of bullets not for the military but for the government agencies right here in America.

you must be watching faux news and cnn if you think there aren't a whole lot of legitimate, non-violent demonstrations going on there that are getting shot up with rubber bullets and tear gassed that you're not being shown on the MSM.

you don't honestly think jesse jackson and al sharpton are out there with their entourages encouraging people to make mayhem, do you?

Fox I watch. CNN never. But have not seen anything you have just wrote. During the day please show me strictly non violent protests not mixed in with violent looters where the police have attacked them. The looters and rioters are purposely mixing in with the peaceful ones. And what is sad is the peaceful protesters are allowing it and not speaking out. And at night well it craziness every night over there.

Thats exactly what the scum bags jesse jackson and all sharpton are doing. More mayhem the better for those two and there bank accounts. They are just as bad as the kkk on the other side.
i don't care for either one of them, but i don't think that's true about jackson and sharpton and i'm pretty certain that the occupy people organizing the demos aren't voluntarily mixing with arsonists and looters.

i know for a fact that non-violence training is part and parcel of most demonstration planning since kent state because i've been a non-violence trainer at them for a long time. i was part of occupy austin from the first day. the violent wonks would infiltrate themselves in, trying to get consensus from everybody to mount violent actions, mostly vandalism, and the general assembly would shoot it down. if we caught them trying anything in a march, we'd grab them ourselves and turn them over to the police.
TommyTooter said:
TommyTooter said:
Martin Luther King must be crying in his grave seeing these thugs and losers doing what they are doing. And he must be even more sad seeing the ones who are not acting violent not speaking out against the violence in the thousands with peaceful protests.

Anyways there is a reason why our federal government is buying billion and billions of rounds of bullets not for the military but for the government agencies right here in America.

you must be watching faux news and cnn if you think there aren't a whole lot of legitimate, non-violent demonstrations going on there that are getting shot up with rubber bullets and tear gassed that you're not being shown on the MSM.

you don't honestly think jesse jackson and al sharpton are out there with their entourages encouraging people to make mayhem, do you?

Fox I watch. CNN never. But have not seen anything you have just wrote. During the day please show me strictly non violent protests not mixed in with violent looters where the police have attacked them. The looters and rioters are purposely mixing in with the peaceful ones. And what is sad is the peaceful protesters are allowing it and not speaking out. And at night well it craziness every night over there.

Thats exactly what the scum bags jesse jackson and all sharpton are doing. More mayhem the better for those two and there bank accounts. They are just as bad as the kkk on the other side.
i don't care for either one of them, but i don't think that's true about jackson and sharpton and i'm pretty certain that the occupy people organizing the demos aren't voluntarily mixing with arsonists and looters.

I have no doubt in my mind thats who they are. The more black on white or white on black violence the better it is for them to spew there hatred. Those scum bags know they cant make any money with black on black violence otherwise they would be setting up residence in Chicago or Detroit. They care about black deaths about as much as ISIS has concern for Americans.

i know for a fact that non-violence training is part and parcel of most demonstration planning since kent state because i've been a non-violence trainer at them for a long time. i was part of occupy austin from the first day. the violent wonks would infiltrate themselves in, trying to get consensus from everybody to mount violent actions, mostly vandalism, and the general assembly would shoot it down. if we caught them trying anything in a march, we'd grab them ourselves and turn them over to the police.

The occupy group I see no different then the violent protesters. They setup camp on property that is not theres for months. Slowly killed businesses all around them. Cost tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars in cities all across the country from the trash and destruction they caused. The extra man power in police costing tax payers dollars needed to keep crowds under control and handle all the increase in crimes like rape, murder, drug trafficking, etc. And after all there high and mighty talk they refused to feed the poor homeless in area asking for food as they camped and lived on land not theres.
TommyTooter said:
TommyTooter said:
Martin Luther King must be crying in his grave seeing these thugs and losers doing what they are doing. And he must be even more sad seeing the ones who are not acting violent not speaking out against the violence in the thousands with peaceful protests.

Anyways there is a reason why our federal government is buying billion and billions of rounds of bullets not for the military but for the government agencies right here in America.

you must be watching faux news and cnn if you think there aren't a whole lot of legitimate, non-violent demonstrations going on there that are getting shot up with rubber bullets and tear gassed that you're not being shown on the MSM.

you don't honestly think jesse jackson and al sharpton are out there with their entourages encouraging people to make mayhem, do you?

Fox I watch. CNN never. But have not seen anything you have just wrote. During the day please show me strictly non violent protests not mixed in with violent looters where the police have attacked them. The looters and rioters are purposely mixing in with the peaceful ones. And what is sad is the peaceful protesters are allowing it and not speaking out. And at night well it craziness every night over there.

Thats exactly what the scum bags jesse jackson and all sharpton are doing. More mayhem the better for those two and there bank accounts. They are just as bad as the kkk on the other side.
i don't care for either one of them, but i don't think that's true about jackson and sharpton and i'm pretty certain that the occupy people organizing the demos aren't voluntarily mixing with arsonists and looters.

I have no doubt in my mind thats who they are. The more black on white or white on black violence the better it is for them to spew there hatred. Those scum bags know they cant make any money with black on black violence otherwise they would be setting up residence in Chicago or Detroit. They care about black deaths about as much as ISIS has concern for Americans.

i know for a fact that non-violence training is part and parcel of most demonstration planning since kent state because i've been a non-violence trainer at them for a long time. i was part of occupy austin from the first day. the violent wonks would infiltrate themselves in, trying to get consensus from everybody to mount violent actions, mostly vandalism, and the general assembly would shoot it down. if we caught them trying anything in a march, we'd grab them ourselves and turn them over to the police.

The occupy group I see no different then the violent protesters. They setup camp on property that is not theres for months. Slowly killed businesses all around them. Cost tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars in cities all across the country from the trash and destruction they caused. The extra man power in police costing tax payers dollars needed to keep crowds under control and handle all the increase in crimes like rape, murder, drug trafficking, etc. And after all there high and mighty talk they refused to feed the poor homeless in area asking for food as they camped and lived on land not theres.
that's an oversimplified version of the way it went down, but not really inaccurate. veteran dissidents like myself were driven off quickly by the neo-liberal fascist hipsters who were dominating the scene with their bullshit mic checks, which was really nothing more than cliques shouting down opposing viewpoints.

i've been a player in the indie music and arts festival scene since the mid-80's. we integrate our politics into our commercial events , raise a lot of money for bastard causes and feed a lot of people.
Dee said:
DrLeftover said:
I still don't see how, even given that the cop may well be guilty of murder, that burning down the town makes any sort of valid statement.

It doesn't. It makes the opposite statement than some people cannot act civilly when it comes to expressing their anger about something horrible that happened. Many of these people just saw the chance in the chaos to do something they think they can get away with, and I'm sure a lot of them will considering how crazy it is right now. But there are people out there who are being legitimate in their attempts to make a difference, to bring to light the fact that an injustice has taken place, and that police officers--not just in Ferguson, but everywhere else as this is not a localized issue--need to be retrained on several different levels.

Breaking into a store and burning down buildings does not make the statement that things need to change. That is pure and utter violent, criminal acts and destruction of property, and it's taking away from the real issue.

sometimes they push too much and violence is the only way to a revolution and/or change... to try to get this country back you sheep, open your eyes, you are all slaves, it's all done for a reason... slowly but surely, over time... and plus, the public and as americans, their duty is to keep the power in check...
+Justice said:
Dee said:
DrLeftover said:
I still don't see how, even given that the cop may well be guilty of murder, that burning down the town makes any sort of valid statement.

It doesn't. It makes the opposite statement than some people cannot act civilly when it comes to expressing their anger about something horrible that happened. Many of these people just saw the chance in the chaos to do something they think they can get away with, and I'm sure a lot of them will considering how crazy it is right now. But there are people out there who are being legitimate in their attempts to make a difference, to bring to light the fact that an injustice has taken place, and that police officers--not just in Ferguson, but everywhere else as this is not a localized issue--need to be retrained on several different levels.

Breaking into a store and burning down buildings does not make the statement that things need to change. That is pure and utter violent, criminal acts and destruction of property, and it's taking away from the real issue.

sometimes they push too much and violence is the only way to a revolution and/or change... to try to get this country back you sheep, open your eyes, you are all slaves, it's all done for a reason... slowly but surely, over time... and plus, the public and as americans, their duty is to keep the power in check...

Really! Then everyone who lost a business and job should go to the homes of every looter, rioter and protester who stood by doing nothing to stop the destruction should have all there homes burned down or destroyed.

Then these piece of crap protesters want the freedom to protest but when they had protesters come out to support the cops there first instinct is threaten to kill them. They all are no better then radical islam. Its no wonder ISIS is supporting the riots.

This would have been ended long ago if the national guard would have came out with all the big military equipment and protected peoples private property with deadly force. The looters are laughing at all of us and law enforcement.
TommyTooter said:
Martin Luther King must be crying in his grave seeing these thugs and losers doing what they are doing. And he must be even more sad seeing the ones who are not acting violent not speaking out against the violence in the thousands with peaceful protests.

Anyways there is a reason why our federal government is buying billion and billions of rounds of bullets not for the military but for the government agencies right here in America.

you must be watching faux news and cnn if you think there aren't a whole lot of legitimate, non-violent demonstrations going on there that are getting shot up with rubber bullets and tear gassed that you're not being shown on the MSM.

you don't honestly think jesse jackson and al sharpton are out there with their entourages encouraging people to make mayhem, do you?


Jackson was out there asking for donations.
DrLeftover said:
TommyTooter said:
Martin Luther King must be crying in his grave seeing these thugs and losers doing what they are doing. And he must be even more sad seeing the ones who are not acting violent not speaking out against the violence in the thousands with peaceful protests.

Anyways there is a reason why our federal government is buying billion and billions of rounds of bullets not for the military but for the government agencies right here in America.

you must be watching faux news and cnn if you think there aren't a whole lot of legitimate, non-violent demonstrations going on there that are getting shot up with rubber bullets and tear gassed that you're not being shown on the MSM.

you don't honestly think jesse jackson and al sharpton are out there with their entourages encouraging people to make mayhem, do you?


Jackson was out there asking for donations.
:lol: that's no surprise. the lawndale association ran him off. dick daley used to make him wait outside his office waiting room for hours and at quitting time, buzz his secretary to run 'that n-word' out of there so he could go home. hizzoner was a real charmer. i'll try to find the clip of his performance at the convention when he called jacob javits a sheenie cocksucker. if you've never read it, you'll enjoy mike royko's 'boss' and may even like to go through his column archives as well. he's one of my writing role models. the first actually. you'll probably get a kick out of jim hightower too. he's the guy who dubbed dubya 'the shrub'. since i'm dropping names, the spirit of molly ivens is calling to me. she has to be the queen of turn of the millennium political commentators.

fun facts: jessie jackson is the one who brought martin king out on the balcony to get shot and while he was supposed to be counseling mr. zipper (three dollar bill) on his sex addiction, his wife caught him with his own secretary bent over his desk.
+Justice said:
Dee said:
DrLeftover said:
I still don't see how, even given that the cop may well be guilty of murder, that burning down the town makes any sort of valid statement.

It doesn't. It makes the opposite statement than some people cannot act civilly when it comes to expressing their anger about something horrible that happened. Many of these people just saw the chance in the chaos to do something they think they can get away with, and I'm sure a lot of them will considering how crazy it is right now. But there are people out there who are being legitimate in their attempts to make a difference, to bring to light the fact that an injustice has taken place, and that police officers--not just in Ferguson, but everywhere else as this is not a localized issue--need to be retrained on several different levels.

Breaking into a store and burning down buildings does not make the statement that things need to change. That is pure and utter violent, criminal acts and destruction of property, and it's taking away from the real issue.

sometimes they push too much and violence is the only way to a revolution and/or change... to try to get this country back you sheep, open your eyes, you are all slaves, it's all done for a reason... slowly but surely, over time... and plus, the public and as americans, their duty is to keep the power in check...

Really! Then everyone who lost a business and job should go to the homes of every looter, rioter and protester who stood by doing nothing to stop the destruction should have all there homes burned down or destroyed.

Then these piece of crap protesters want the freedom to protest but when they had protesters come out to support the cops there first instinct is threaten to kill them. They all are no better then radical islam. Its no wonder ISIS is supporting the riots.

This would have been ended long ago if the national guard would have came out with all the big military equipment and protected peoples private property with deadly force. The looters are laughing at all of us and law enforcement.
curing crime
justice louis brandeis, in his dissent to the landmark 1928 olmsted ruling, the first conviction obtained and upheld on evidence collected by a warrantless wiretap, pointed out that the government, as the omnipresent teacher, must scrupulously uphold the law or the people will follow their example. he said that it can only result in anarchy.

the idea that it is acceptable for a person to violently impose their will on somebody else without their consent because they are a parent, teacher or law enforcement officer enslaves oneself to a totalitarian doctrine that deprives you of your own freedom of expression. eventually, a person will snap as michael brown did when he got enterdetained for jaywalking.
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