Ugh, upon seeing that ugly as hell Channel handbag for 49,999 USD$ before tax, I'm thinking : "who'd buy and wear this? " These designers' brands stuff are so ridiculously ugly and tasteless these days man, I've bought mine for 19,99$CAD before tax at Ardene and I'm happy with it myself. Designers' brands and luxury aint necessary in life and I spend more time inside the house than out, because that's how I like it, a quiet and peaceful life, in my personal space forever. What are designers thinking nowadays, I've no idea! But I'm fuming just thinking that someone would spend that much on a handbag or other luxury item when they are people starving and without homes all over the world. If I were filthy rich, I'd donate my money away to lift up poverty in the world personally. Course, that's just utopia from me personally but yeah.