JustMe said:
How, may I ask, do you use them wrong? As long as I have a computer, it doesn't matter to me which it is.
when you use a pc it will normally be set up with the keyboard in front of the screen, screen will be roughly eye level, keyboard will be slightly inclined to give correct wrist postion
laptops, if they are placed on a flat surface will have the keyboard flat increasing the angle of the wrist to keyboard......this puts stress on the carpel tunnel in the wrist and also the fingers
given the fact that laptops are rarely set up in the same way that desk tops are due to the fact they are 'portable' increases the risk in thier use.............how often do you see or hear of people using laptops on their knees or in bed or on the coffee table, leaning forward, or some equally un-natural position
continued usage will lead to RSI (repetaive strain injury aka carpel tunnel syndrome) in wrist and fingers
unnatural body postion will lead to WRULD (work related upper limb disorder).....basically strains to upper body areas shuch as neck/shoulder/upper back/elbow
once you get any kind of this problems they can be very difficult to get rid of.........normally requires medication/phtsiotherapy and sometimes surgery......early signs of them are numbness/tingling in fingers and stiffness/pain in wrist..........if you have any of them you should see a doctor asap
you also have the problem that lappy users tend to use the stupid touch pad rather than a mouse which also puts the finger in a singular postion for repeated occasions which is contributary to RSI
i have qualifications in Health and Safety and have done plenty of DSE (display screen equipment) risk assessments.........it also takes into account things like postioning of the pc/lighting (natural and artificial)/seating
you also have the problem that a lappy when flat on a surface will not 'breathe' properly, inclining it will allow more air to circulate to stop it over heating
if you do use a lappy a lot get one of those little ramp thingys (or make one) to raise it to a more anotomically favorable incline and lets air below it, and put it on a table and use a proper chair
hope that explains it a little