Obesity Interventionists. Sugar Tax. Plant Based Diets... and more, all from Your Dear Uncle.
The Report:
http://freebeacon.com/issues/feds-america-should-adopt-plant-based-diet/“Align nutritional and agricultural policies with Dietary Guidelines recommendations and make broad policy changes to transform the food system so as to promote population health, including the use of economic and taxing policies to encourage the production and consumption of healthy foods and to reduce unhealthy foods,” its report read.
“For example, earmark tax revenues from sugar-sweetened beverages, snack foods and desserts high in calories, added sugars, or sodium, and other less healthy foods for nutrition education initiatives and obesity prevention programs.”
The amount of sedentary time Americans spend in front of computers and TV sets is also a concern to the federal panel.
They recommended “coaching or counseling sessions,” “peer-based social support,” and “electronic tracking and monitoring of the use of screen-based technologies” as a way to limit screen time.
The Report: