You can't get divorced if you were never married, but what about a common law marriage divorce?
My uncle and my aunt, have been together since before I was born. Years before I was born. My uncle wants to be married, and wants to have children. But when he proposed, she refused. Yet continued to see them. So now they are in their endless loop of my aunt thinking, I wanna be with you, but I don't want to be WITH you.
I asked my uncle if he was happy and he said he loves my aunt, but he really wanted children and the whole settling down aspect.
It's been years and years, and I do love my aunt but I (personally) think my uncle should have moved on and found someone he could build his dreams with. He so wants to be a Dad... and he would make a great one. But the longer he waits, the older they get...
I don't know...
Then my parents! Ugh!
They've been married years and they can't stand each other. My father sat me down when I was 3 said they were getting a divorce and has said it at least once a month since.
It's devisting to hear that constantly and the fighting that went on... ugh...