I’ve posted with couples before so it gets kind of tricky if you’re going off IP addresses and don’t allow multiple accounts. Obviously two people who live in the same house are going to be on the same WiFi and have the same IP address.
Of course there is the possibility that the couple is just one person pretending to be their own spouse…. but you never know for sure (unless maybe their posting style is exactly the same, perhaps they both make the same exact spelling errors in certain words, etc)
There was a couple here several years ago and the wife was a troll but the husband was cool. I remember we had to ban the wife and the husband ended up getting banned as well because he had the same IP address. That created even more fallout and drama than there needed to be. I was 99.9999% sure they were separate people and felt bad the husband got inadvertently banned. Fixed his account but he didn’t want to come back.