A Memphis woman called police after she found her son stealing her prescription sedatives from her bra. The Commercial Appeal reported that police found a 28-year-old man hiding under a neighbor's sport utility vehicle Wednesday morning. The mother, whose name police didn't release, told officer she awakened before dawn to find her son filching Xanax from her bra, where she kept it to prevent him from stealing it.Police said the man had 22 Xanax pills, 15 of them wrapped in toilet paper and hidden in his sock. Officer said a search of the man's room turned up more pills and various drug paraphernalia.
He was in jail Thursday with bond set at $40,000.
Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36875853/ns/us_news/
He was in jail Thursday with bond set at $40,000.
Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36875853/ns/us_news/