In short as attached (good thing I gotten to know for one of my clients who needed this in order to share this image) I was "denied" of transcription of the annual meeting held for Forum Promotion even at another member's request as well. With a "no we aren't doing that" attitude as well.
Additionally another admin from there said they would "meet" me at around 7PM EST today and failed to do so nor said in a PM/to add to the existing one of being late or what have you.
Thus as soon as my Bizdusty's ad runs its course I am probably more than leaving.
Not only do I feels not included and such there as a result.
But now to add salt to injuries I would need to figure out how I gonna get what I am looking to require for my website hosting business. Seeing as I don't know anyone here really to understand who does what or if someone knows such a person... 
Thus here I am once again, lost as usual ever since i had to leave Discord and another market place forum as well before even meeting Forum Promotion.

Additionally another admin from there said they would "meet" me at around 7PM EST today and failed to do so nor said in a PM/to add to the existing one of being late or what have you.
Thus as soon as my Bizdusty's ad runs its course I am probably more than leaving.
Not only do I feels not included and such there as a result.

Thus here I am once again, lost as usual ever since i had to leave Discord and another market place forum as well before even meeting Forum Promotion.