Regardless of how wronged someone feels, they should allow the courts to take care of the situation and not themselves. Courts are distanced emotionally from the event and therefore can make a much more rational decision about whether or not someone is guilty and what punishment they deserve.
Let me put it this way. When I was a child (of only 2 years old), I lied to my parents about being molested. There were reasons I did this. I wasn't molested, but I witnessed something sexual and was unable to get the situation out of my head. (It was a complete accident what I witnessed and I don't want to go into the details of it, but it wasn't anyone's fault, neither was anyone doing anything bad.) Little kids don't know how to handle that kind of trauma so they do stupid things like lie. Anyway, I told my parents about it and if they had been filled with rage then my innocent preschool teachers would have been murdered on the spot when they did nothing. They let the courts handle it and the doctor figured out that I was not telling the truth and everything was okay again.
When you're a vengeant and angry person, you are bound to make mistakes. You are driven by your feelings and passion filled people are not exactly at their most intelligent. They might kill the wrong person. They might overreact to the situation and do something more cruel than the person deserves. They might kill an innocent person. There's ALL kinds of misunderstandings that could happen.
The law is not for us to take in our own hands. If you allow someone to take the law in their own hands for sexual assault, then people might start doing it for other crimes and try to justify it. Your television goes missing and you think your neighbor stole it, so you kill them and turn out wrong. Someone paints something derogatory on your garage and you go beat them up. Etc. Etc. And everything is chaotic. There's no law anymore because WE are the law and the strongest people among us win because they're able to get revenge better than other people are.
The way the law works in America is we have a system that works this way . . .
In common law legal systems, a precedent or authority is a legal case establishing a principle or rule that a court or other judicial body utilizes when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts.
Judges and lawyers are encouraged to look at how previous legal cases were handled on similar issues and handle them similarly. That's why even though the case of Roe versus Wade was just about whether or not Norma McCorvey should have been denied a right to an abortion, the results of the trial affect ALL of us. She was allowed to have an abortion and it was declared legal for her to do so, therefore all women are allowed. It set the precedence for future cases on this issue. All must be tried the same.
So if this guy gets his little revenge, it will be hard not to justify EVERYONE taking the law within their own hands and that is self-defeating for the law to decide on. The law is there so the government can protect us and punish criminals and if we start taking the law into our own hands then it disappears.
I am all for that boy being punished and taken to court if he's guilty and going to jail, but I am not at all for the kinds of emotional reactions that were made in this thread. Just because someone's son is a child molester doesn't mean the parents were. That's a mighty huge conclusion to jump to, especially without having ever met the people in question or without being given any evidence, and of course if you're going to come to conclusions that extreme then it doesn't surprise me that none of you even questioned whether or not the boy molested his sister in the first place. I've met lots of crazy people in my life. I know a schizophrenic who has accused me of doing all kinds of crazy things because she was having some delusions and I know people like that can sometimes become violent. There's no saying for sure anything about the family and anything about whether or not this girl was molested by her brother unless the situation is taken to the court.
I'm not making assumptions myself. I don't know what happened. I wasn't there, but I am not for people taking the law into their own hands for any reason. There's no excuse.