TRUE LIBERTY said:+Justice said:TRUE LIBERTY said:+Justice said:TRUE LIBERTY said:Webster said:TRUE LIBERTY said:Webster said:TRUE LIBERTY said:Him using the Stand Your Ground law is about as good as him saying aliens made him do it.
Unfortunately, that line of thinking worked for George Zimmerman...I wouldn't be surprised if that dunderhead in the OP didn't try a similar line of thinking.
Except george zimmerman had nothing to do with stand your ground.
No, but if there was justice in this world, he'd be doing time as a guest of the state of Florida...
Both were idiots on how they managed situation but he broke no laws and defended himself.
so let me get this straight, it's not against the law to have or shoot, let alone shoot and kill someone while being a felon? it's not against the law to discharge while under the influence? and so it's also not illegal to shoot someone then run away from the crime scene?
defending himself or stand your ground law is bogus for this case... he wasn't in danger of his life to use excessive and deadly force... but if it was an "accident", he still should get charged...
Sure if any of that was true. Big difference between being charged and convicted. And no it was not bogus he was in danger for his life
go ahead and keep making yourself look like a fool... (;
Your version of fool I am proud to keep doing.
Zimmerman was out of shape against a stronger and in better shape opponent.
Zimmerman was cold cocked.
Zimmerman was on his back while being punched in the face and having his head smashed into the concrete sidewalk.
If thats not a life threatening situation please tell me when it gets to that point.
Anyone who is on there back with someone on top of them should use deadly force.
How was this situation at all, in any way, like George Zimmerman's, though? Were you there? Did you witness the woman cold cocking the guy with a weapon? Was she behind him? How hard did she slap him? How big is he in comparison to her? Was she stronger or of equal strength? What is your definition of a life-threatening situation? Was she trained in any deadly art where she could easily use her body as a weapon to kill this man? Is a hand--her hand in particular--as deadly a weapon as his loaded gun was?