Somebody said on FB: "the Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they saw what's happened in this country this year." Talking about legalized marijuana, gay marriage, racial violence, and all the rest of it.
Well, they might not approve of the violence. But when you look at the personal lives of some of them. I'm not so certain they'd condemn it. They might not openly approve, but at least a handful of them were known to indulge in past-times that some of the more stayed members of the group would find abhorrent.
Remember: Dr. Franklin was an honorary member of the ORIGINAL "Hellfire Club" and had been to several of their 'meetings'. Jefferson was known to 'stray' from the straight and narrow. Washington had married a widowed woman that was older than he was and who had several children. John Hancock was the "playboy" of his time, and a true dandy, besides being a smuggler. And so on.
They Were Men. Not gods. With all that comes with it.
Well, they might not approve of the violence. But when you look at the personal lives of some of them. I'm not so certain they'd condemn it. They might not openly approve, but at least a handful of them were known to indulge in past-times that some of the more stayed members of the group would find abhorrent.
Remember: Dr. Franklin was an honorary member of the ORIGINAL "Hellfire Club" and had been to several of their 'meetings'. Jefferson was known to 'stray' from the straight and narrow. Washington had married a widowed woman that was older than he was and who had several children. John Hancock was the "playboy" of his time, and a true dandy, besides being a smuggler. And so on.
They Were Men. Not gods. With all that comes with it.