Technology has changed the way we speak beyond all recognition, a leading academic has claimed.
The Story of the English Language in 100 Words tells the story of the words believed to be the most crucial to the language spoken today.
Author and linguistics expert David Crystal chose each word because it tells us something about how the English tongue developed into what it is today.
It reveals that words like loaf, jail and ok have helped shape the way we live, while muggles, chillaxing and LOL help shape today's language.
However, Mr Crystal explained that it is a personal list that is likely to differ to other people's.
The English language is spoken by 375 million people as their first language.
The book also reveals the unique old words which have died out, and the new ones that have replaced them.
Recent research found that the popularity of textspeak, where words are shortened, it having an effect on children's grammar.
They say 10-12 year old children, known as tweens, who constantly rely on shortened words and phrases such as OMG, LOL and amazeballs, struggle in grammar tests.
The book details the history of both ancient and modern words, including:
So what do y'all think of these words?