(Psst...Nebulous...Careful, it's a trap!
Let me tell you my own sad tale of woe...
I don't watch much TV and when I do, it's usually just while I eat dinner or if I am up early in the morning with nothing going on. Really don't spend that much time with it, not really interested, too much else always going on.
So, anyway, one such Sunday morning around 4 AM, about a year ago, I was bored and surfing the movie channels and started to watch Game of Thrones on HBO. It was right before season 4 started, so HBO was running season 3 in order, back-to-back episodes. Never seen it before, looked interesting, so I watched one episode, then watched the next episode, then the next, then the next...You get the idea.
I stumbled out of my house and into the daylight 9-10 hours later...
I covered my eyes, blinded by that bright orb in the sky! Hadn't eaten, hadn't slept nor even shaved...I almost felt I had seen that bright shining orb somewhere before, but if I had, the memory escaped me...
By Friday I had purchased or stolen all the boxed sets to the first 3 season, and had watched them all in order.
And I was there, every Sunday during season 4, to watch the next episode! I never faltered, I never failed!
I lost my friends. During conversations with them I would stop in midsentence and start mumbling things to myself like..."
Arya Stark...That poor kid!!!"
I no longer rest. Oh, I sleep, but my nightmares always come...I wake up screaming "
Why? Why did Ned Stark have to DIE like that!?!"
I stand before you now, a broken and bitter man...
I cannot even bear to hear words that start with "L-A-N" because they remind me of the evil Lannister family, and I fly into a blind rage! :badwords:
(Except, of course, for Tyrion Lannister, who is really more of a victim than anything else...)
Well, anyway, there it is, my sad tale of woe...
Perhaps it will turn out different for you, I hope it does.
I just wanted to caution you, friend Nebulous, because once you start down that road there is NO going back!
Don't even start the journey, unless you are willing to make the
whole trip...