Do you think streaming ruined the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
For much of its history, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was fittingly tied to theatrically-released movies, though there were TV shows that tied into the sprawling saga. This became more true than ever with the introduction of MCU shows on the Disney+ streaming service, which featured heroes and villains new and old. While this may have seemed like the ultimate fruition of the MCU's success, it may have ultimately been its greatest downfall.
The Disney+ MCU shows were touted as being more of a "plus" than a must, but that's been disproved by the narratives of multiple new movies. They've also created a greater aura than ever that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is an endless assembly line of product content. Add in the downward trend in quality, and these shows may have been the biggest turnoff for casual viewers.

Why the Disney+ Shows Were the Worst Thing to Happen to the MCU
The Disney+ Marvel Studios shows seemed to be a good idea at first, but they may be contributing to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's fall from grace.