Okay I hardly post here but instead just respond to topics because I just cant make sense of where to post. Anything political to me seems like a debate and most stuff to debate is political in one form or another. And then so much in the news is something either for debate or becomes political. So I guess it becomes personal opinion where a topic should go.
This is good news. It makes me feel like Florida and Georgia just became closer. So now if I travel to Georgia I dont have to worry about carrying across state borders.
This is good news. It makes me feel like Florida and Georgia just became closer. So now if I travel to Georgia I dont have to worry about carrying across state borders.
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed into law today what supporters call a historic victory for the Second Amendment.
The new law, called the “Safe Carry Protection Act”, vastly expands where guns will be allowed in the state.
As of July 1st, licensed gun owners in Georgia and visitors from 28 other states will be allowed to bring a gun into a bar without restrictions and carry a firearm into some government buildings. Under the law, school districts will be able to decide whether they want some employees to carry a firearm, and religious leaders can decide whether to allow licensed gun owners to carry guns into their church, synagogue or mosque.
Deal said the following about the bill:
“People who follow the rules can protect themselves and their families from people who don’t follow the rules. The Second Amendment should never be an afterthought. It should reside at the forefronts of our minds.”