Are you just delusional or refuse to listen to the actual facts? Trump never told anyone to attack the Capitol Building. He called for Americans to gather and protest the fraudulent results of the election. He told people to do so
How do you present the proof when every court refuses to even hear the case, hmm? It's kind of hard to present evidence when everyone is trying to claim that it didn't happen, that there was no real proof and it was all a fabrication by Trumps' base to change the outcome.
To which, I call bullshit. There is no way a basement dwelling, child sniffing man who can't even finish his own thoughts would pull 80 million votes, after the polls close. I don't care what anyone says.
Let's not forget that one of the ones who gave a speech to the press after it was voted was the very same man who slept with a
known Chinese spy.
@Terminated your thoughts?