After spending more than $250,000 on plastic surgery procedures, Rodrigo Alves has been dubbed the new "Human Ken Doll."
Alves, a 31-year-old flight attendant who was born in Brazil and lives in London, reportedly went under the knife on Monday in Colombia for a six-in-one operation, including an eye augmentation and a procedure to cut his mouth to make his smile bigger.
"It’s a long process," he said, per the Daily Mail. "It is long-term maintenance. Once you start, it is difficult to stop. Naturally, I’m a perfectionist. It’s like a snowball effect and I’m not going to stop. It doesn’t define the man that I am - I’m much more than silicone and cosmetic surgery - but once you get started it’s difficult to stop."
Alves, who sought therapy after a previous procedure led to serious complications, recently appeared on the Channel 4 series "Bodyshockers."
While he told a woman looking into plastic surgery that he might've done things differently -- "[it] can become addicting, and it doesn't always turn out the way we imagine" -- he ultimately said he doesn't have any regrets about the choices he has made to alter his physical appearance.
"I'm pretty aware that I'm far from perfection," he said. "I'm not deluded, and I know that I'm not the most good-looking guy. I'm just aiming to be the best that I can possibly be." Adding: "I really believe that everything that I've done to myself is an investment ... It is who I am."
Alves has apparently taken to the moniker "Ken Doll" -- a title previously given to Justin Jedlica -- and referenced it in a recent Instagram post, writing: "I never set out to look like the #kendoll it was a nick name given by my friends and the press which doesn't bother me at all. I just wanted to be a better person and I truly am #happy."