A lot of your cover arts look really good. Are these AI, or you got a good designer?
It varies. We'd prefer to have all our books made by
original and
authentic book designers, but, in the last few months, that has become difficult.
A.I. detection isn't perfect (I have tested, and had it come back with about fifty-fifty accuracy) and we have been screwed a few too many times (just recently I splurged $200 on book covers that I learned used blatant A.I. after the fact). Soon, A.I. will become so advanced it will be undetectable altogether, when that happens, all bets are off.
We do hope to remedy that though, but it will take some time (to build the funding for it). My idea is to have series' finished, and then, release a sort-of Omnibus-like package deal for them on Hardback (i.e. my novels The Red Flux & the Wunderkind Thief and The King's Crown being released both as one hardback The Red Flux Chronicles collection), where we commission a more high-quality, personalized cover artist (but this usually runs somewhere in the neighborhood of $500-1000).
Some, we were a little more particular about, like
The Canes series. Every cover was commissioned by a specific artist, and we have the source files / sketch art to confirm it.
Some of them,
I made myself through
Affinity, like The One-Two Punchline and Readers Digested, Vol. 2.