Smooth said:
How about the insanely huge number of Executive Orders this criminal has passed?
Every president has used executive orders. In reading my pocket constitution, there is no explicit mention of executive orders, but there is a line in Article II, section 3 stating "He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed," which has been used since George Washington as a
Smooth said:
How about aligning himself with Muslims?
I'd research this, but I'd likely stumble across a bunch of pundit comments with little logical reasoning in their posts. Also, what do you mean by "aligning with Muslims?" Are the actions of a few radicals enough to poison the image of the majority? I have some muslim friends of my own, and would really like to know what you are trying to get at.
How about his lack of action in Benghazi?
I don't know much of Benghazi personally, but as far as I was aware, there was a lack of proper communication. This isn't to say the President doesn't have his share of blame, but it's very unlikely to be all his fault.
How about the list of lies he has told from day one?
Such as?
And is that the only part of my post you care to discuss, Andrew??[/size]
No, it isn't,
The point of my Second Amendment rights have nothing to do with hunting in the least. It has nothing to do with "bragging rights" about a big collection or any other thing most folks who don't understand guns or are afraid of guns believe.
A well-regulated militia means the citizens of this country being able to protect themselves from a potential tyrannical government, just like the one we are beginning to realize is in place now. This country was founded on freedom from oppression and those in power are quickly ignoring that fact.
Read Article II, Section 2. "The President shall be the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States,
and of the Militia of the several States." Does that mean I agree with the fact that the Constitution states this? Not necessarily, but it's there, and it would require a Constitutional Amendment to change this. Which is likely where the phrase "A well regulated Militia" comes in.
While the President is still not thoroughly elected by the people (rather the Electoral College, whose existence is far outdated), he is far more directly elected nowadays than before. Thus, it is fair to say that he was voted in by at least some majority of the people, who had dealt with him for four years already and decided it was best to put up with him for another four years than deal with an unknown. The same was true with George W. Bush eight years back. Does that mean I like everything Obama's done? No. I didn't like everything Bush did either, but I would hardly place all my blame on either Bush or Obama for everything that went wrong. Congress, public opinion, the Judiciary, the media, and a bunch of other factors all affected where this nation is going today.
Which leads me to my next point. Yes, I do believe the government is overreaching in many aspects, but I would hardly call it tyrannical. I suggest you move to Belorussia if you want tyranny. I find it more tyrannical in having to deal with religious laws here in the South that force people to behave in certain ways, then having to pay increased taxes, which I have come to accept as an unpleasant, but necessary evil for the continuation of society. If you do believe your rights are being infringed upon in any way, I suggest you use your rights now, and protest, march, etc. rather than wait until the government is so oppressive in your eyes that you feel the need to use a gun to express your rights.
Posting on a forum is not going to do much though. If you want political change, I suggest you go ahead and enter the public forum. I personally, while not thoroughly pleased with everything that's going on, don't feel my rights are being infringed upon overall, and when I do, I do what I feel is necessary: sign petitions, spread the word, whatever I can do. If the public feels strongly enough about a certain issue, they'll work to change it.