Hello. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance. I've only been here posting a day and I neglected to post an introduction. I will acknowledge that Nebulous and Jazzy wrote on my profile and I appreciate that.
Thank you to staff for welcoming me into this humble abode that you call a forum. I've had a good time so far. I hope to be able to make friends and acquaintances here and hope to get to know you all better.
A little about myself. I like to play video games such as RPG's, I watch action movies, I'm family oriented, and I like to surf the Internet.
Been lurking around a bit before decided joining.
Thank you to staff for welcoming me into this humble abode that you call a forum. I've had a good time so far. I hope to be able to make friends and acquaintances here and hope to get to know you all better.
A little about myself. I like to play video games such as RPG's, I watch action movies, I'm family oriented, and I like to surf the Internet.
Been lurking around a bit before decided joining.