Forums are kind of like pubs (sure leave it to the Irish guy to work pubs into a conversation).
Pubs are where people go to be social, hang out, talk & have a laugh. There can be many pubs in one town, and there may be one pub that everyone likes and goes to all the time. There are times when the place is packed.
The pub owner loves it and thinks he had it made.
Then one day for not apparent reason the numbers shrink, then more, then some more until there are just a few of the old regulars around sitting at the bar.
So the owner thinks.. what went wrong??? and the answer is ... Nothing
people just decided it was time to try another place, a few did , they liked it, word spread and now the pub that was almost empty for the past couple of years is now the place to go to.
the pub owners starts to panic and wonders what he should do to change the place to get people back???
The answer is... nothing,
so what he always did, serve his regulars and be there for them because after a while the people will move on to another pub, then another one until eventually someone will say.. 'hey how about that place we use to go to, lets go there tonight' and the circle comes back round.