John Abernethy, the records officer at York County Prison in Pennsylvania, says it's common for prisoners to hide contraband in their anuses. But the case of a new detainee surprised even him.
X-rays taken after Christopher Scheller, 18, crashed a car into a tree in December revealed a cache of stolen jewelry and synthetic marijuana shoved into his rectum, police say.
Scheller managed to stow away four bracelets, four necklaces, 11 women's rings, a socket for a smoking wrench and a bag of weed as an officer approached him following the accident, according to a Southwestern Regional Police bulletin published Jan. 7.
"I've never personally heard of an inmate going to those extremes," Abernethy told The Huffington Post.
The officer at the scene, suspecting Scheller was driving drunk, followed up at the hospital. Officials there said they had spotted "an abnormality" in his body cavity. Scheller at first was reluctant to extract the goods but later agreed, police noted. The jewelry was found to have been stolen from a home, authorities said.
The teen is behind bars and facing a slew of charges, including theft, receiving stolen property and driving under the influence.