[*]What do you know about karate?
A fair bit as I used to do Shotokan when I was younger
[*]Do you think the karate you see in movies is the same as the karate you learn?
No, Karate is more about focus and mental mind state
[*]Do you think karate is the best form of self defense?
I think it's a great form of defense for anyone that knows it, but I don't know about best.
[*]Do you think karate should be an Olympic sport?
Yes! Judo is so why not Karate
[*]Would you like to take karate lessons?
If I hadn't snapped my hamstring as I a kid would still be doing it now.
[*]Do you think karate should be taught at elementary schools?
Yes. Karate isn't about violence, in fact the Sensei tells you the best thing to do is walk away from engagements.
I would like to Martial Arts as something you can choose as a subject in schools.
[*]How would your life be different if you had a black belt in karate?
More fit and focus, less stressed, more motivated. And if I'd reached Black then i'd probably be teaching it.
[*]What do you think karate teaches people about themselves?
Self confidence, respect, focus, discipline, do be accepting of critism, some to be spiritual or philosophical
This was my book I used and practiced from. I got to a Green (I think) they changed all the belts round before I left. I was 6th Kyu - Ruko
I trained with my dad and alone and was told at my last grading that I could be a purple & white - 4th Kyu - Shi , if I hadn't missed some grades, but then I got injured at school and game over :/