Throughout our history it is known that men were the one to go and fight for their country, to protect and most likely die in the process. Rome was the country to create professional military system where you will be paid to serve the country and where your only life job is to train how to kill. Most of the time, those countries which were conquered by Rome, have citizens who joined the military so that one day they can be free citizens.
Moving forward to modern time, we have professional army but it is mandatory for all men in case of war. You can not say "I don't want to go to war". You will be taken by force or you will be sent to jail. Is this practice good?
Moving forward to modern time, we have professional army but it is mandatory for all men in case of war. You can not say "I don't want to go to war". You will be taken by force or you will be sent to jail. Is this practice good?