I recently remembered this game. I unfortunately backed this project on Kickstarter way back in 2013 in hopes that it would be a decent game. I even made a fan forum dedicated to the game before the official forum even opened. I had my hopes up high and so did all the other backers. Then the game kept getting delayed, and it finally was released in 2016 but man it was mediocre. Did you ever play this game? I don't even remember which platform I got the game on when I backed the project, I think I got the PS4 version. There were supposed to be 3DS and PS Vita versions but they never seen the light of day. Many backers have yet to still receive some of their perks too, so many years later. For those not aware of what MN9 is, it was supposed to be the spiritual successor to Mega Man, this came to be during a time where Capcom didn't seem to care about the blue bomber. (Now since MN9 has been released they actually do care about Mega Man, heck we got 11 finally and new compilations!) Here's the Wikipedia article on the game if you're interested on learning more about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mighty_No._9