
Florida first responders rescued a naked man from the top of a Fort Lauderdale drawbridge on Friday, after he got stuck when the bridge was raised while he was walking across it.
"He was swimming in the water previously, and he jumped out of the water and went to cross the bridge," bystander David Izabal told the Sun Sentinel, explaining how the naked man ended up there. "The bridge was coming up before he had gotten off the bridge."
Fort Lauderdale firefighters initially tried to reach the man with ladders, The Associated Press reports, but the ladders weren't quite tall enough. Instead, members of the Broward Sheriff's Office scaled the structure and -- after wrapping the man in a towel -- secured him in a harness fixed to the structure. Then the bridge was slowly lowered back down.
NBC Miami notes that this is the second time someone has required a rescue from the drawbridge in the last few years.
The drawbridge spends 95 percent of its time in the up position, the NBC station reports, and it is flanked by "No Trespassing" signs.