I am glad there are people with Sunny Dispositions. But, I don't think us curmudgeons should be lectured or made to feel bad about our approach to life. I don't like fake positivity. Or being told to "smile" by the mostly male Smile Police when I am picking out a head of lettuce at the grocery store. Not everything in life is pleasant or happy. There is a lot of pain and suffering in the world. So, pretending not to see that isn't not an approach I wish to take in life. Sometimes reality is unpleasant.
I have worked at companies where they ONLY want Happy, Peppy, Positive People. Oh, ok. Well then at the meetings, I guess they want everyone to Hip Hooray their ideas. But, you know what? You need the naysayers in life. You need someone to say, I don't think that is really going to work and it's going to cost a lot of money and here's why. But, if they want me to go "Yay Team" while they pour a bunch of money down the drain, well Ok then I will go "Yay Team".