Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is spending $50 million against the powerful US gun lobby, was the target Friday of an angry NRA, which hailed firearm freedoms at its annual convention.
"Mr. Bloomberg, you're an arrogant hypocrite," Chris Cox, who heads the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm, told a crowd of gun enthusiasts who booed upon hearing the former mayor's name.
Being a billionaire "does not entitle you to tell us how to live our lives," Cox added about Bloomberg, who did not attend the association's annual meeting and exhibit in Indianapolis.
"Stay out of our homes, stay out of our refrigerators, and stay the hell out of our gun cabinets, because this freedom is not for sale."
LaPierre said one way to counter Bloomberg was for NRA members to flock to the polls to elect lawmakers who support Second Amendment rights.
The NRA is America's largest gun lobby, claiming one million members, and the event drew several Republican politicians that are considered possible presidential candidates in 2016, including Senator Marco Rubio and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.
Bloomberg announced in April that he would spend millions of his personal fortune to help reduce gun violence across the United States, in part by launching an initiative that backs candidates who advocate for firearms control.
So its okay for Bloomberg to have armed guards with assault rifles and high capacity magazines, but we poor people should go without protection. :s
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