These Nutella doughnut milkshakes look so good we want to take them into a dark room and shut the door.
Online reviews include ‘holi crapoli’ and ‘it’s monstrous, but I want it’.
It looks like heaven in a giant jam jar.
The Tella Ball shake is a Nutella milkshake topped with a Nutella doughnut, through which a straw is threaded so you can drink the chocolatey shake through the actual effing doughnut.
The only downside is that is being sold in a cafe in Sydney, Australia.
If you’re not sure you can make it to Sydney any time soon, we suggest whipping up a quick Nutella milkshake a la the video below.
Then, get a straw, a chocolate doughnut from Tesco (or any good supermarket brand) and basically live the dream.
Who want one?