Police are investigating after an autistic boy was duct taped to soccer goal posts and left there for an extended period of time. 16-year-old Austin Babinsack says that the Highlands High School soccer team left him duct taped to the goal for approximately 15 minutes while they went back to the school to get another student.
“I was really shaken, I thought I was gonna be stuck there for a long time,” Babinsack told KDKA. He says he was forced into a car by two older players on the team and driven to the field, where they affixed him to a goalpost.
The teen, screaming for help, was found by an off-duty Pennsylvania State Trooper, who freed him from his predicament.
“He was terrified, he could have died, he could have had a heart attack from being so stressed out, he was screaming at the top of his lungs,” the teen’s mother, Kristy Babinsack, told the station. “I feel the coach knew, he wasn’t there, but he knew it was happening, he knows that it’s been going on. He’s the adult, these are kids let’s face it they’re 17. We have to hold the adults accountable first before we can hold the kids accountable.”
“They duct taped my hands, my legs, all the way up to my waist, and then they attempted to try to take a picture of it. I told them no, and they walked off disappointed,” said the teen.
The Highlands School district suspended coach Jim Turner, who was not present, and two players for at least five days.
“Highlands School District does not take matters such as hazing and bullying lightly. The district issues strict disciplinary action on students who think these actions are appropriate and harmless,” the district said in a statement.
Austin is returning to school, but he has encountered difficulties since. His mother says that when he attended a soccer game since the incident, players ridiculed him and called him a “snitch.”
Watch a report on this disgusting bullying
Do you think getting a five day suspension for doing this is enough punishment? Why/Why not?