Nov 20, 2014
PARKSLEY, Va. - Wilbur Cerate of Parksley says his family's dog was stolen off their front porch while nobody was home. Cerate says PETA admitted to not only taking the dog, but euthanizing her as well.
It was on October 18th when Wilbur Cerate said he came home and his dog was nowhere to be found. He checked the security camera installed outside his home only to find that after he left, a white van backed up to his home. A woman emerged who tried to lure the dog away. When the dog, named Maya, returned to the family's porch, the woman went and picked her up, loaded her in a van and drove off.
Cerate said after numerous phone calls to PETA, and letting the organization know that the alleged crime was caught on camera, PETA representatives returned to his home with a fruit basket and bad news.
"I asked, I asked her, what happened to Maya? Where is it? Sorry but we killed Maya. Yeah. We put to sleep Maya," said Cerate.
Two PETA members were arrested but will not face charges. Accomack County Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar told WBOC that after reviewing the case, he does not believe there is enough evidence to prove criminal intent beyond a reasonable doubt. Edward Armstrong is a close friend of Cerate and is helping to organize a rally outside of the Commonwealth's Attorney's office in hopes of getting Agar to reconsider.
With video