[Please forgive the mentioning of religion here, but it is on topic, as we are discussing a Presidential candidate and his views and both in light of their treatment in the mainstream media. I am NOT discussing the religion itself. This is a more or less objective look at the matter in the arena of politics.]
It has been interesting watching the media trying to work over Mr. Romney on his religious beliefs, and their effect on things like Gay Marriage, Abortion, and other 'hot button' issues.
He is a Mormon, which is Christian, which makes him the natural born enemy of liberals in the mainstream media.
However, The CJCLDS has been labled a cult by Fundamentalists, the Roman Catholic Church, and so on. Which means that in most cases the media loves everything wearing a Latter Day Saint lapel pin (remember the Osmonds), and their fondness for last year's Broadway play The Book of Mormon. With the flamboyant exception of Glenn Beck who, as a has been right wing media nutcase, was a very good bad example of the faith.
So the talking heads on the news shows are torn. Romney is religious, which makes him a target, But he is more liberal than most of the rest of the pack, but he is also more Conservative than Mr. Obama, but, when you look at it, JFK was more conservative than O. But he also belongs to this religion that others look at with suspicion and open derision.
What's a good inside the beltway liberal/neo-socialist commentator to do?
From listening to NPR the other day setting up the NH primary, it would seem that they flame Governor Perry's religion- Evangelical, or Senator Santorum's- Roman Catholic, or any of the others, and then throw Mitt into the same fire in passing.
And it was likely Santorum was trying to get a dig in at Mitt and raise the issue of the LDS's former acceptance and even promotion of Polygamy, which it no longer endorses. Remember, at this level, VERY little happens without prior planning and scripting. Fortunately for both, the attempt fell flat on the floor and stayed there.
How do you see it?