- What was the single best thing that happened this past year?
Joining this forum, it's been fun!
- What was the single most challenging thing that happened?
The stress associated with some external factors that haven't been pleasant to deal with or witness.
- What was an unexpected joy this past year?
Again, probably Off Topix.
- What was an unexpected obstacle?
My own brain, moreso than any prior year
- Pick three words to describe this past year.
Terrible. Less terrible. Over
- Pick three words your partner or close friend would use to describe your year.
...no close friends anymore, so...silence?
- Pick three words your partner or close friend would use to describe their year.
See above.
- What were the best books you read this year?
Hmm. Tough one, I've read a few books this year that were good, but I don't know which one stands out as the best.
- Who were your most valuable relationships with?
My therapist, honestly. Having him as an outlet has been the only thing keeping me going at times.
- What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
Umm...well...I came out to some people who didn't know about me and killed some friendships I'd had for decades. That's a pretty big personal change.
- In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?
Not sure I did, maybe reverted?
- In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?
See above
- In what way(s) did you grow physically?
Well...I suppose the most obvious answer for me would be in the boob department, lol. A's to almost C's...just like my high school grades!
- In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?
I have grown a decent amount emotionally over the past couple of years, honestly. Before estrogen took hold I was a stoic, angry person suffering from dysthymia and constantly thinking about suicide. Now I'm still dysthymic and still think about suicide a lot, but I can access a much wider array of emotions, far more frequently than ever before. I've even told my friends how much I love them and care about them, something I never could have done before. It's liberating accessing your feelings.
- What was the most enjoyable part of your work (both professionally and at home)?
Umm...the few days off I managed to get?
- What was the most challenging part of your work (both professionally and at home)?
Every single moment of every single day...
- What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
Forums, that's my only real time waster, lol
- What was the best way you used your time this past year?
Forums, lol
- What was biggest thing you learned this past year?
Just how petty conservative people can be towards those they don't agree with.
- Create a phrase or statement that describes this past year for you.
See the three word question above.