Racist Parents Ban Daughter From Best Friend's Birthday
Racist parents of a 10-year-old girl did not allow her to attend one of her best friend’s birthday party as she was black, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
The girl who stayed at home while her friends were having fun and eating birthday cake decided to explain Harmony Jones, who turned 10 that day, why she is not able to congratulate her with birthday. She wrote a letter, which read: “Maby I will not be able to come to your birthday sleepover, because my dad will not let me go because you are black not trying to be races [sic], but my mom let me no [sic] Happy birthday!”
Harmony’s father, Christopher Jones said: “It angered me a little bit, it hurt me that my 10-year-old girl had to deal with this and I myself never thought I would have to deal with this. I guess us as parents need to be more aware and conscious about what we teach our children.
You would think in the 21st century people would be judged strictly on their character or their personality, not on the colour of their skin.” Mr Jones said he did not blame the girl for the letter and wanted the incident did not spoil the party. He added he hoped people “would learn from the situation” while describing the school the girls attend as a “multi-racial and friendly environment”.