It is very clear to me and has been for a very long time, that this country's(England) deliberate path to so called multiculturalism will end very very badly and in fact already has ended badly.
My fear is that in the future my grandchildren and their sons and daughters, really won't have much of a future under the strangle hold of mass immigration and PC bullshit.
The fear that has been instilled in to the general populous of not being able to speak out about these serious issues for fear of being branded a racist, is in my opinion a road that will lead to the utter destruction of everything we hold dear about England.
None of the mainstream parties and I repeat none, are going to do much if anything to curb what is plainly obvious to all right minded thinking folks and that means we are only going to get more of the same.
This will ultimately lead to more extremist parties such as the idiotic BNP from becoming ever more popular. I would urge everyone who it totally sick and tired of the current situation we find our selves in to consider voting for UKIP. This is the only party that actually speaks sense and has the proper policies to end this utter madness.
It is true that no minor party is going to win an election at this present time, but in the future, who knows?
In any case, the more folks that register their disapproval of our current crop of mainstream policies, the better, as it will undoubtedly send out the message that action is needed.
Eventually, these voices of sense will become louder and louder and there is evidence to suggest that this is already beginning to happen. This will ultimately lead to the mainstream parties having to listen and do something more appropriate about these issues, rather than the piecemeal approach that has been the norm for so very long. Unfortunately, it won't happen in my lifetime.
At the moment, there are only two possible outcomes, we either sink into oblivion, or an extremist party will one day come to power.
Enoch Powell was absolutely correct back in 1968. For those of you that have never read his so called Rivers of blood speech, I make no apologies for linking to it here:
Read it and weep oh good people of England.