Is there any remakes that you'd actually like to see?
Remakes have subsequently become the movie industry's bread and butter, and I think it's easy to see why, there's not a whole lot of originality required, but with only just a considerable amount of tweaking, you can create something entirely new. For some series', this has turned out to be for the best, things like The Dark Knight trilogy come to mind, in the sense that they weren't as much remakes as they were an entirely new imagination for what a movie could be. For superheroes, at least, I think it can be a good thing, as I am always looking to see them evolve into something different. There's also rarely noted things like Scarface were actually remakes that created something entirely different and innovative. However, there is other-times where it can be a little much. I remember the 1997 Psycho movie that they did with Vince Vaugn, as well as the remakes of things like A Nightmare on Elm Street, a kind-of, If it ain't broke, don't fix it, kind-of vibe is given off, at least to me.
However, with this being said, are there actually any remakes that you'd like to see, maybe because you think that there remains a considerable amount of potential with the series if modernly imaged, and done right? I think there is, and at least for me, I'd like to see a remake of Stephen King's It. The movie has always been something that I have a mixed bag for, because, in all honesty, the original wasn't necessarily tremendous, however, I always thought that it had potential. The movie basically came across like a clown variation of Freddy Krueger, with the ability to psychedelically and psychologically torment the victim, which is something always more interesting than the stereotypical slasher flick.
I think that I'd also like to see a remake of The Crow, which, I know, is a, Ain't broke moment, but I'd like to see it. I think that there remains stories to be told with The Crow idea, and to be honest, the three sequels that they had left a bad taste in my mouth. I'd like to see something reminiscent to The Crow, not necessarily going back to the Eric Draven stories, but a vengeance story with somebody dawning the white and black face-paint.
Remakes have subsequently become the movie industry's bread and butter, and I think it's easy to see why, there's not a whole lot of originality required, but with only just a considerable amount of tweaking, you can create something entirely new. For some series', this has turned out to be for the best, things like The Dark Knight trilogy come to mind, in the sense that they weren't as much remakes as they were an entirely new imagination for what a movie could be. For superheroes, at least, I think it can be a good thing, as I am always looking to see them evolve into something different. There's also rarely noted things like Scarface were actually remakes that created something entirely different and innovative. However, there is other-times where it can be a little much. I remember the 1997 Psycho movie that they did with Vince Vaugn, as well as the remakes of things like A Nightmare on Elm Street, a kind-of, If it ain't broke, don't fix it, kind-of vibe is given off, at least to me.
However, with this being said, are there actually any remakes that you'd like to see, maybe because you think that there remains a considerable amount of potential with the series if modernly imaged, and done right? I think there is, and at least for me, I'd like to see a remake of Stephen King's It. The movie has always been something that I have a mixed bag for, because, in all honesty, the original wasn't necessarily tremendous, however, I always thought that it had potential. The movie basically came across like a clown variation of Freddy Krueger, with the ability to psychedelically and psychologically torment the victim, which is something always more interesting than the stereotypical slasher flick.
I think that I'd also like to see a remake of The Crow, which, I know, is a, Ain't broke moment, but I'd like to see it. I think that there remains stories to be told with The Crow idea, and to be honest, the three sequels that they had left a bad taste in my mouth. I'd like to see something reminiscent to The Crow, not necessarily going back to the Eric Draven stories, but a vengeance story with somebody dawning the white and black face-paint.